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"Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it."
~C. S. Lewis


Ever since I was little I loved to write. I guess you could say I was an "obligate" writer because its what I did, and do, whether I have a reason or not. Add to this my love for English. Through the years I have fed myself a pretty steady diet of the classics, such as Captains Courageous, The Three Musketeers, The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel, Treasure Island, and others like Pride and Prejudice. I was never a fan of shallow novels. But I read much more than just the classics. I enjoy critiquing books, and theres nothing that says a good book like one with depth in character, character interaction/dialogue, plot, and so on. ​

My style of writing falls under the category of creative. I write fiction but usually with a heavy dose of history and good solid facts.

​In the meantime, I'm a fanatic for storytelling on paper. (Some say paper is archaic but every first draft starts on paper for me.) All writers have their own pet stories, or babies, as some call it, stories that they never seem to be able to finish. This is not because they lack the ability rather they are reluctant to ever say it is finished and ready for publishing. But aside from my own pet story (that I do intend to finish and publish someday soon; when I get it perfect, that is) I write short stories that I categorize as time capsules. Why, you ask, are they called that? I like to take a moment in history and create a person to think all those thoughts and feel all those things that you might think people would at that time. For example, a nurse deals with the turmoil of World War II while continuing to be a comfort to those around her. She struggles herself with why God allows these things to happen. When she is asked her very own questions by a young pilot who has lost his whole crew she must come to grips with her own sorrows as well.

​Another I have written is called A Sailor Adrift, and is based off an actual situation where a man was stranded on a decaying raft for ten days. He had nothing to eat or drink, and dealt with the sun to torture him by day and the threat of sharks by night.

And I have so much more. Some would say I'm a history geek... I'm inclined to agree with them. In fact I would consider it a compliment to be called a history buff.

What I write:

​>   Articles on History

​>   Historical Fiction/Fiction Stories 

​>   Book Reviews

​>   Crocheting/Crafting

​>   Cooking/Recipes

>   Fashion

​A few articles I have written are:

​>   All Men are Created Equal

​>   Vintage Fashion - Culottes, Gold Boots, and Fashion Plates

​>   An Overview of Maritime Archaeology

>   Monthly Issues of Creatures in My


​More can be found on my blog, Over The Horizon. ​

I can't say which points in history are my favorite because I enjoy reading, and writing, about almost every era. And yet there are certain eras or subjects I've studied more extensively, such as English history, maritime history, and fashion history, particularly French and English.


​A few years ago I started my own blog and called it Over the Horizon, which features my articles and posts on many topics. Below are some of my favorite topics.


​With knowledge of history comes wisdom.

Often when I try something new in the kitchen I want to keep a record of how it turned out and I do this by putting it on my blog. I don't always get a chance to try new and exotic things but I do like to experiment. Many of the things I add are my own versions of another's recipe. You'll notice that when it comes to food everything I write about is healthy and from scratch. This is because I am a firm believer in a healthy body. But just to plug healthy eating, healthy doesn't have to taste bad. On the contrary. Its a goal of mine to show people that eating healthy doesn't have to be a sacrifice but a delight.


Other Works

​My purpose in all this other than to create interesting material for people to read, is to enlighten readers about history and hopefully give them a love for it that they might not have otherwise experienced. But most of all I believe lessons and principles taught through story make an impact on a person. I also believe that God gave me the love of writing so that I may use it to glorify Him and spread the good news. Each of us has the ability to encourage or discourage those who read what we write. I hope that I can be the former.​

Why I Write

"Typewriter" by maccath, Katy Ereira, from Flickr, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license:

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